Have you ever pondered the peculiarities of human existence, how distinct we are in nature’s grand tapestry? The journey to comprehend our origins is fraught with questions that challenge conventional wisdom. Imagine a narrative where humanity’s roots are not anchored in the soils of Earth but in the distant reaches of the cosmos.
In the ancient lands of Tell Al-Uhaymir, modern Iraq, lies a clue. Here, the remnants of the Sumerian city of Kish whisper secrets from the past. Among these is the Tablet of Kish, dating back to 3500 BC, possibly one of the earliest forms of written expression.
This relic predates the renowned cuneiform of the Sumerians and even the enigmatic Egyptian hieroglyphs. It signifies a monumental leap in human expression, distinguishing us from the natural world.
Fast forward five millennia, and the human race has achieved the unthinkable: harnessing electricity, splitting the atom, inventing computers, and walking on the moon. Such rapid advancement in a relatively short evolutionary span is astonishing and begs the question: are we truly of this Earth?
No other Earthly species mirrors our technological prowess. Stranded in the wilderness, devoid of our creations, would we thrive or falter? Our physiological and psychological traits further deepen this mystery. Unlike other species, human infants are born in a state of extreme vulnerability, a stark contrast to the independence seen in other creatures from birth.
Our evolutionary journey has led us to stand upright, freeing our hands for creation and alteration, yet this evolutionary marvel comes at a cost, like lumbar pains, unique to our species.
Dr. Ellis Silver’s provocative theory in “Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence” suggests that these anomalies may be signs of our extraterrestrial origins. He postulates that the difficulties in childbirth, susceptibility to chronic diseases, and discomfort with Earth’s environment might indicate that humans evolved under different conditions, possibly on another planet with lower gravity.
Silver’s hypothesis is echoed by Robert Sepher in “Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History,” where he delves into the enigmatic Rh-negative blood type. The existence of such a blood type raises questions about our singular evolutionary lineage. If all humans evolved from a common ancestor, why the incompatibility in blood types? Could this be evidence of a hybridized species, part Earthling, part alien?
The Basque people’s high percentage of Rh-negative blood further fuels this speculation. If all primates on Earth share compatible blood types, where did Rh-negative blood originate?

These theories suggest that humanity’s story is not just a tale of evolution on Earth but a saga spanning the cosmos. They propose that we might be the very aliens we seek, a species with amnesia, striving to remember our true origins.